Michael Gove's mangling of sport in schools

How timely it was for Vince Cable to be recorded worrying that the government's sweeping policy changes are "not thought through", just as Michael Gove was mincing through his forced rethink on wiping out £162m for sport in schools.
In October, Gove had removed the funding for 450 School Sport Partnerships (SSPs), which have provided national momentum for a reinvigoration of sport in state schools – decimated when the Conservatives were last in power.
Being secretary of state for education surely requires some appreciation of research, but Gove slashed the SSPs without ever having visited one, or inquiring properly into their effectiveness. David Cameron, who was gambolling on the playing fields of Eton while state school sport was being trashed in the 1980s, derided the SSPs record on competitive sport as "pathetic".
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