Glee' recap: 'Special Education' has Rachel and Finn breaking up, Emma getting married

in any case, the episode does manage to find itself some nice parallels to focus on, and that would be the Rachel and Kurt predicament. Formerly the Gleeks' two best singers – not that you'd know Kurt is Rachel's equal since Lea Michele is The Star of The Show and gets literally every solo under the sun – they're now on opposite sides of the competitional (is that a word? Don't care, I'm using it) divide.

And both, as it turns out, are having some problems. Schuester is tipped off by Emma in the opening that his game plan for Sectionals is, was, and always has been pretty vanilla: as sure as he's born, the Gleeks will open with Finn/Rachel ballad and follow up with a classic rock number featuring an earsplitting finale by Mercedes. Schuester is horrified at first, but he soon sees Emma's point: all Schuester's Be Special and We're a Team talk is just baloney if he doesn't back it up, and if he really wants to teach the Gleeks anything he's got to highlight some of the less-showcased talent in the group. Not sure why Emma had to point this out literally the week of the Sectionals, but hey, whatever works for ya.Side note: Schuester is, quite literally, the preppiest man I've ever seen. Like, "I-Just-Held-Up-Every-Land's-End-Within-a-Five-Mile-Radius-at-Gunpoint" preppy. Every episode where he doesn't enter the choir room with boat shoes (no socks), plaid shorts, a bright pink t-shirt with the collar popped, shades and an ascot is a lost opportunity on this show's part.
Read More: Glee' recap: 'Special Education' has Rachel and Finn breaking up, Emma getting married