Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart – Breaking Dawn Romance tease

U.S Online news : Thanksgiving may be over, but we’ve got a delicious new reason to give thanks. Thank you director Bill Condon for sharing this TwitPic direct from the set of your upcoming film Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (part 1), due out in the Fall of 2011. The photo is assumed to depict the pretty, pale arm of actress Kristen Stewart in her role as Bella. So why is Bella clutching fluffy white feathers? I’ll tell you but first I’ve got to warn you about spoilers.Its the most anticipated moment of the entire Twilight Saga. Bella marries her vampire boyfriend, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and he whisks her away to a tropical isle for their Honeymoon. Author Stephenie Meyer makes Bella and Edward’s romance chaste throughout her novels and for many reasons. But after the pair are married, despite the dangers… (He’s made out of sparkly humanoid vampire marble, remember?) Bella gets to enjoy her husband. That makes today’s photo very hot. A pillow gets sacrificed in the process.
Read More: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart – Breaking Dawn Romance tease